Best Seriale Turcesti to Watch this Year!
The series revolves around Doğan (Cem Gelinoğlu), a beloved neighborhood lawyer, & his beautiful neighbor Melike (Özge Özacar), who, despite having known and loved each other for a long time, have never been able to get together as a couple seriale web.
Doğan is a very smart, very deep man. He was psychologically and sociologically abused while growing up and he protected himself by creating his own island in his mind. This is why he attracts people like a magnet. In the midst of boring and repetitive relationships and uncreative family models, Doğan is lucky to find his soul mate, but Melike has a different code and cannot let Doğan into her life. As a young woman severely crippled by her mother, she always goes after what is presented as rational, not what her heart desires.
One day, when she questions her unhappiness and realizes all this, she falls in love with Doğan. As soon as she falls in love, she realizes that despite her two previous marriages, her heart has always belonged to Doğan.